Used Timson Book Presses
Timson presses are still and will continue to be the Best Book Printing Solution.
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What Makes Timsons the Best Book Press?
Without going into the history of Timsons, the book press design originated as a request from a book printer in the UK.
As the first press was designed to the specific requirements of a book printer, the specification covered a wide range of paper stocks, including lightweight bible papers.
It was also required to have a small footprint and be easily operated by two operators, hence the U format and low-level operation.
Early adopters grew their businesses on Timson presses, with many printers purchasing multiple machines.
Over the years, Timsons refined the press design with numerous cut-offs and folder formats, with the development culminating in the Timson ZMR,
Let Us Find The Right Pres For You
Timsons first press designed specifically for high volume book and bible production.
As the name suggests earlier T32’s were 32 page presses however subsequent models offer 48, & 64 pages as well as 2 webs and 2 colors.
May not get the recognition of the ZMR but it is the foundation. Quite simply the lower unit of a ZMR is a T48 unit.
T48's provide 3 minute make-readies and some have ZMR upgradability it is the perfect starter press.
The Timson Zero Make-Ready press is the flagship of Timsons line of book presses.
It is capable of non stop
auto-transfer between units or 2 color printing try to beet the 408 forms in 24 hour record on anything else!
Operated by Ex-Timson employees...
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